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Senior Funnies

Jokes, pictures and stuff emailed to us. PICTURES CAN BE ENLARGED BY CLICKING ON THEM............ NO ANNONYMUS COMMENTS ALLOWED!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Why won't a rattlesnake bite a salesman?

Professional courtesy.......


Do you know how to get rid of a bunch of Libyans?

Tell a bunch of Cajuns they're good eating, and out of season..


This low budget oil producer had an oil well that was on fire. He called every oil well fire fighter in the phone book. All of them were very expensive. Red Adair wanted $25,000 just to come look at the fire. There was no way he could afford this. Finally, he noticed an ad for Jose's Fire Fighting Service. He called Jose and asked how much he charged?

Jose said, "Senor, I only charge $1,000." The producer thought, Great! "Well OK Jose, come on out and look at my oil well fire."

The producer was standing on a hill looking at his oil well fire when a pickup truck with Jose's Fire Fighting on the door and ten Mexicans in the back came across the hill and drove straight into the fire.

All of the Mexicans got out of the truck and started stomping their feet and waiving their serapes screaming, "Ariba! Ariba!"

After about fifteen minutes, the fire was out. The producer couldn't believe it. The fire was out! The producer yelled, "Congratulations Jose! What are you going to do with the $1,000?"

Jose answered, "Well senor, the first thing I do is feex the brakes on this truck..."


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