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Senior Funnies

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Sunday, September 30, 2007

The stewards at an outback racetrack had long suspected ...

A certain owner of doping his horse before a race. One meeting, just before the main race, the chief steward noticed this owner sneaking into the stable. He watched as he slipped something into the horses mouth, then grabbed his arm, shouting 'Got you at last. You'll be rubbed out for life over this, you rotten so and so."
The owner, never at a loss for words, smiled and said "Why, no mate, these are only home made sweets the wife makes. Settles him down before a big race, you see. Here - try one, they're real good." He slipped one into his own mouth in proof, and the steward, his sails deflated, had no option but to do the same.
The owner led the horse to the saddling paddock. "Get in front from the start and stay there," he told the jockey.
"Why so?" asked the jockey. "Is anything likely to pass me?"
The owner grimly replied " Only me and the chief steward."


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