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Senior Funnies

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Monday, September 03, 2007

Blatant racial discrimination...........

A 1st grade class just came in from recess.

The teacher asked Jenny what she did at recess that day. Jenny replied: "I played in the sand box."

The teacher said: "That's good! Now, if you can go to the board and write the word 'sand' I'll give you a cookie." Jenny did it correctly and was given a cookie.

Next, the teacher called on Alex. "Alex, what did you do at recess?"

Alex said: "I played in the sand box with Jenny."

The teacher replied: "Wonderful! If you can go write the word 'box' correctly on the board, I'll give you a cookie." He did, and she gave him a cookie.

Finally, the teacher turned to a young boy named Mohammed, and asked him what he had done at recess. "Well," he responded, "I tried to play with Alex and Jenny, but they threw rocks at me."

The teacher said: "Threw rocks at you? That sounds like a case of blatant racial discrimination." She thought for a moment, then said: "Now, if you can go to the board and write 'blatant racial discrimination,' I'll give you a cookie."


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