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Senior Funnies

Jokes, pictures and stuff emailed to us. PICTURES CAN BE ENLARGED BY CLICKING ON THEM............ NO ANNONYMUS COMMENTS ALLOWED!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

One guy walked into a bar and said "OUCH".
(Think about it)

Did you hear about the man at the grocery store?
Cokes fell on him, but they didn't hurt him because they were soft drinks!

Once there was this family that was going to Disneyland and they came to a sign that said: Disneyland LEFT and so they went home.

A mushroom walked into a ball room and saw a very pretty girl, so he asked her to dance with him. "I don't dance with mushrooms," she replied. "Well why not," the mushroom complained, "I'm a fun-guy!"

A boy and his family went to a fancy restraunt and the little boy said, "Daddy I don't like cheese with holes in it". His father said, "Well just eat the cheese and leave the holes on the side of your plate"

A drunken man gets on the bus late one night, staggers up the aisle, and sits next to an elderly woman. She looks the man up and down and says, I've got news for you. "You're going straight to hell!" The man jumps up out of his seat and shouts, "I'm on the wrong bus!"

One day, two men named Bill and Steve were taking a ride on their motorcycles. All of a sudden, Bill lost control and hit a telephone pole, tearing off the left half of his body. He was immediately rushed to the hospital while Steve waited anxiously to hear if he would make it through. After a long wait, the doctor came out and said to Steve, "He's all right now."

One day a mailman was greeted by a boy and a huge dog.
The mailman said to the boy, "does your dog bite?"
"No," replied the boy. Just then the huge dog bit the mailman.
The man yelled, "I thought your dog doesn't bite!"
"He doesn't," replied the boy, "that's not my dog!"


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