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Senior Funnies

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Monday, May 28, 2007

THE POLES........

Two Poles are walking through the woods when they come to a huge hole in the ground. One guy, wanting to see how deep it is, throws a rock in and listens, but hears nothing. "Let's get something bigger.", he says, so they find a bigger rock and throw it in, but still hear nothing. "We need something even bigger.", he says, and so they look around and find a railroad tie. They pick it up and throw it in the hole. A second later a goat comes running up and jamps in the hole. "Stupid goat!", remarks the second Pole.

Just then a farmer walks up and says "Hey, have you guys seen my goat?".

The first Pole answers "One just jumped into this hole here."

The farmer says "No, that can't be mine.....I tied mine to a railroad tie..."


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